Exchange Week & Karoke

Elder Bracket Exchange 🔁

The exchange with Elder Bracket was pretty sweet. We got to meet a family that I was working with when I was previously in Surrey 3rd so that was a pretty sweet experience! I never actually met this family in person, just over text; but I found out that their native language is French so I sent them to the sisters that we were ward sharing with at the time. One of them could speak French so it worked out really well! So they really helped this family progress and now that they left the Elders have been meeting with this family. It was just a really cool experience to be able to see how this family had progressed since they were last in my hands. I’m very grateful I sent them to the sisters, I believe they definitely needed that, and that’s why they were there that transfer.

Assistant Exchanges 🔁

We went on exchanges with the assistants for the first time and that was pretty sweet! We didn’t have the opportunity to do those last transfer because we were “low priority” lol. Anyways I gotta go with Elder Witt here in Richmond and Elder Evans went to Vancouver with Elder Walcer. Which is pretty cool, cause Elder Evans loves Vancouver so he was a happy camper. He also gotta do a temple tour which is awesome because he saw our recent convert Navneet (who goes by Mike) go to the temple for the first time. He went and did some baptisms for the dead with the youth and it sounded like he had a really great time! Anyways, my exchange with Elder Witt was pretty good. I didn’t wanna make the exchange boring with just a massive hour of text contacts so we went out and did some door to door knocking. Not too much really came of it but we did meet this cool historian guy. He was pretty nice and wanted to hear a bit of what we are teaching people; Elder Witt did amazing and taught him all of the principles of the restoration in like 3 minutes. He said that he has a really good relationship with Jesus Christ and isn’t interested in joining our church. But he was still super kind, and I’m grateful for the opportunity that we had to teach him a bit. We had MSC (missionary stake coordination) to end off the day. It was kinda weird cause we were on exchanges, Elder Evans was planning on joining the Zoom call with us, but they didn’t have the time. But that’s okay, it was a really good meeting and I’m grateful to be working with the stake and aligning our missionary efforts with the goals and plans of the stake and local priesthood leaders. We showed them the stats of the missionary work in the stake at the end, which normally happens offline, so I wasn’t really too prepared to chat about that. But it was still really good and insightful for everyone on the call.

Another Progressing Friend 👍

We had a really good lesson with this guy named Ariel. He’s super nice, we met him at church last Sunday and he’s been going to a few different churches trying to figure out which religion that he wants to belong to. We taught him the restoration and the lesson went really well. I definitely felt the spirit and I hope he did too. We also had a phone call lesson with someone that was interested in strengthening their relationship with God through prayer. We gave them a call and the lesson was going super well until we brought up the Book of Mormon. At that point they hung up on us and messaged us that they weren’t interested because they only believe in the Bible.

5D Conversation ✨️⚛️

Elder Evans made a Facebook marketplace listing of the Book of Mormon and the Bible and it was super successful! We actually met two people from it. We had a lesson with one of them and it was pretty awesome! We gave him a French Bible, he said he already got a Book of Mormon from some other Elders but we had a really good chat with him. He’s quite the character, he was pretty fun to chat with. He was saying that he’s had Jesus his whole life and it’s crazy to look at people that don’t have Him. He was also was talking about how most people talk in 3D using logic and stuff, but when you incorporate the spiritual side you are speaking in 5D. At the end he said that we were definitely having a 5D conversation! 😂 Anyways he was awesome, we are looking forward to meeting with him again. He’s not really interested in attending church because he already has another church that he attends, but we’ll continue to try to meet.

Karoke Night 🎤🎵

The ward had a karoke night activity and it was awesome! Not only because there was a bunch of food, but we had Navneet and a bunch of our member referrals come! The sisters also had one of their friends come too! His name was Demetry and he seemed like a super nice guy. Both him and Navneet sang at the activity which was super cool. Navneet absolutely crushed it with his singing! He sang “The Night We Met,” and Elder Evans was like “I would’ve payed to go see that.” Haha it was so good!

Spiritual Thought 🙏

“As we attend the temple, there can come to us a dimension of spirituality and a feeling of peace. … We will grasp the true meaning of the words of the Savior when He said: ‘Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. … Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27, All Will Be Well Because of Temple Covenants)