Teaching Sunday School


We had transfers this week; both Elder Snow and I are staying in Prince George as Zone Leaders, so that’s pretty cool. Since Elder Astle’s companion, Elder Young, was traveling down to the lower-mainland he got to hang around with us for a day till his next companion came in.

Friend brought a Friend

Our friend Andrii brought his friend and we had a lesson with them, which was super awesome. His native language is Ukrainian so there was a bit of a language barrier, so I’m hoping that the Spirit carried the message. His friend that he brought was someone who helped teach English class; I assumed he brought them so they could help translate. But I think they were interested in learning more too, because they didn’t translate anything haha. Kinda weird having to teach a lesson and tailor it to the needs of both of them, but hey, the Spirit definitely does the job. The lesson went pretty well, he said he wants to meet every Friday for lessons!

Helping with a Move

We had finding scheduled for all day. No lessons, no nothing. While we were driving from down-town we received a call from a member. They said that they were struggling helping out a member move and needed more help. Luckily we didn’t really have any plans—so we just showed up and helped out for a couple hours. They’ve rented out a moving truck and had a ton of stuff to move. Since they only had the truck for a limited span of a few days, we had to get everything moved quickly. The move worked out, we were able to help get a bulk of the stuff moved.

Teaching Sunday School

A text came in, and we were asked if we could teach the Sunday school class for the youth. Another text came in later that night, asking if we could teach the Sunday school class for the adults. I feel kind of bad throwing it on the sisters to teach adult Sunday school haha, but hey we already accepted teaching youth. So basically the new two sisters that came in had the opportunity to teach that while we taught the youth. I’m sure they’ll probably get more dinner appointments from that, so in the end it’ll work out for them. Teaching the youth was pretty good, it’s a bit difficult when they aren’t very talkative, but I hope they enjoyed it.

Spiritual Thought

“Always expecting the spectacular, many will miss entirely the constant flow of revealed communication.” —President Spencer W. Kimbal