Five Guys at Five Guys

The Assistants Catch the Bus

Today was a bit stressful but everything worked out in the end. We had a super awesome district council with our new district leader Elder Bracket! Very spirit filled, and insightful. After that we headed over and helped a member out with moving. We were on a super tight schedule cause we needed to pick up the assistants from the mission office and drive them to the bus office. But it was still a great service opportunity. It was pretty sweet we were able to get the other elders we live with to join us and all four of us came and helped. After that we picked up the assistants and drove them to the bus stop. We were running super tight on time, we were really hoping that they wouldn’t miss their bus. Luckily we pulled in right at the perfect time, we ended up right behind their bus. It was quite the miracle, so glad everything worked out. After that I was worried about getting the MSC dashboards up and running. We got a lot of missionaries that have MSC’s really soon, some of them are tonight, and it would be really problematic if I didn’t have it up and running by then.

Fixing MSC Stuff

Luckily we were able to get all the MSC dashboards and stuff worked out; which is a relief. I feel like I throw too much technical jargon in my emails haha, don’t wanna bore you all with the details, but yeah it’s working again.

Five Guys at Five Guys

We had lunch with President Gill today! He took us to Five Guys; he originally was just planning on meeting with me and Elder Evans to discuss the technology in the mission, but we have some visa waiter missionaries that came in and will be staying with us. President had his interviews with them. Elder Contrearas and Elder Harris are going to Victoria but they won’t be able to get on a ferry till tomorrow. So they’re just chilling and staying with us. President interviewed them both and took us all to lunch. Which was super nice of him, when we all got in the car he was like “you know it’s not very often missionaries get to go out to lunch with the mission president.” We also had a super cool experience in Five Guys, this guy came in and President Gill noticed him. After he sat down he felt a prompting to go talk to him. He got up, had a good little conversation with him and gifted him a Book of Mormon. After that me and Elder Evans gave him a pass along card, and testified of the Book of Mormon. After that we came back to the mission office and had our technology meeting with President Gill. The meeting went pretty well, now we have a clear vision of what President wants for the technology moving forward. After that he interviewed me and Elder Evans separately. With Elder Evans going home next transfer, he wanted to talk to him some more about his plans for when he gets home. In my interview, he just asked if I had any questions for him and wanted to see how I was doing. I love being around and working with President Gill. He’s one of the most Christ-like people I know, and is so spirit led. After all of that we got back on the street and did some more finding. And it actually went really well. We chat with some Chinese folks that have met with the missionaries before. She saw us while we were walking and recognized that we were missionaries. She took us back over to her driveway and we met her husband. Luckily he is able to speak English fluently so we were able to chat a bit. While we were knocking doors we also had a chat with this lady who said she was a Salvationist. She was super duper sweet and we ended up having a 15 minute conversation.

Technology Council

We had a technology council meeting with President. That was pretty cool. Basically it’s the Social Media sisters, Assistants, interaction missionaries, referral secretaries, and those that are in charge of mission Facebook pages. We had a good council about the way social media is received in the mission and Preach My Gospel training. It was actually kinda crazy, after the meeting President Gill counseled with us about the Preach My Gospel training. We weren’t aware of how many missionaries don’t feel like they know how to use Preach My Gospel effectively in their missionary work. He proposed that we should incorporate a Preach My Gospel training in Zone Conference. Which is happening in two days and he wants Elder Evans and I to work with the Social Media sisters and the Assistants in creating the presentation and stuff. He also said to clear out a schedule for Friday because we may be giving the training at the Zone Conference in Terrace and on the Island! So basically there’s a chance that we may be flying out to do the training as well. Absolutely crazy stuff! Now we just need to create the whole training tonight and have it done by tomorrow night. No problemo haha.

The Find Grind

Lets just say that Richmond is a bit difficult when it comes to finding. We don’t really have very many friends at all so we haven’t been having lessons but we’re working to turn our finding into teaching opportunities. But overall we’ve had some good conversations and interactions with people. We taught this guy named Victor the whole Plan of Salvation lesson while we were street contacting. He was interested to learn more about our faith. But he wasn’t interested in a Book of Mormon or getting our number. But that’s okay, we had a good chat with him and it was good to share some common ground about our beliefs.

Spiritual Thought

“But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God.” -Moroni 7:13