Elect YSA & Burns Lake Burning

This week hasn’t been too eventful, just planning and searching for people to teach. You know, the usual.

Chris’s Baptism

The sister’s friend Chris got baptized, and that was super sweet! There were years of work for both Chris and the missionaries that previously taught him to get him to this point. They had the Zoom running on the laptop and honestly it was pretty epic seeing an army of return missionaries. He probably had like 30 people on that Zoom; it was crazy! President Gill was going to try to fly out and come to his baptism, but sadly it didn’t work out. He did get the Zoom link though! He told the Sisters that he may or may not be sitting in another baptism while watching the Zoom haha. Anyways, Chris is awesome! He’s come a long way. I’m excited to see what the future holds for him.

Elect YSA

We had a lesson with our friend Landen, and he is amazing! He’s our age, and is such a good guy. He’s been reading some of the Book of Mormon and we taught him the Restoration; he was very appreciative of the lesson, he said it helped him understand a lot. Before we had our lesson with him he said that he’s actually looking into joining the church. He’s definitely on the right path. The other YSA in the ward are hyped and ready to join lessons with him, so that’s going to be pretty sweet. I hope the lesson went well for him, he was definitely really tired. He told us that he drove to Quesnel at 1am to go help his friend that was going through a mental breakdown. He’s been up for a while, but he still decided he wanted to meet. If we knew the situation we totally would’ve let him sleep, but he still came so that was pretty cool.

There’s another super elect YSA and his name is Hunter. Now Hunter has read the Book of Mormon in a week. A member that was at work gave him one, and the rest is history. We haven’t had a lesson with him yet, but I’m looking forward to teaching him.

Burns Lake is Burning

It began to get a bit smokey down here in Prince George. And we realized that there were several fires near Burns Lake. We then called the Elders that were there and they sent us pictures of the black sky and ash just falling. We contacted the Senior missionaries and they checked the fires and stuff online and it seemed like they were fine, it’s just the air quality was super bad. So we told them to stay indoors for a bit. Despite that they still went to a member meal which is even closer to the fires on the other side of the lake. But you know, after they were in Smither’s for so long with nothing going on, they needed something.

Transfer Conclusions

That’s basically everything worth mentioning for this week. The work’s moving forward in Prince George and I’m excited for the future. We just received transfer news, and honestly not much changed. Both me and Elder Snow are staying here and Zone Leaders. He’s broke my longest companion streak, so we’ll see just how long we can keep it going. I’m just praying they send me out of here for the winter haha.